Thursday, March 2, 2006

A Day Off

Today is an ice day! Yay! I really didn't think we were going to get any more snow days this year. We've had twice this year where the meteorologists were predicting significant snowfall or ice and it just rained all night.

Here's a funny story though: I would've had today off even without the snow day.

I was scheduled to go to a Michigan Science Teacher's Association (MSTA) Conference Thursday and Friday. I've been to several of these types of meetings, and typically they have sessions for teachers all day Thursday & Friday, then on Saturday they have a luncheon and some meetings for board members or presenters.

Earlier this week I got a letter from the conference that verified my registration, but it didn't have a schedule, it just said to check online. So later I checked online, and it turns out that there aren't any sessions on Thursday, only early registration for people staying over in hotels. The actual sessions are on Friday & Saturday, which is really weird in my experience.

My first thought was "Super! A free day!" Subs had already been arranged, and the time off had already been approved. Then I thought maybe I should show up...maybe I should go to work since I'm sure they could cancel the sub. I talked to Wendy (WLHS chemistry teacher) who was planning on going to the conference as well. She said she was just going to take the day. I figured I might as well do the same, though I felt slightly guilty about it.

Today turned out to be snow day though, so I guess that removes the guilt factor a little. :)

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