Thursday, June 14, 2007


I was informed recently that I do, in fact, have a blog...and that perhaps I should be keeping up on it...

In my defense: (1) The end of the school year is always crazy, (2) we're trying to pack and move by this weekend, (3) I was taking a class (I just finished it today, actually).

However, I promise to work hard to update everyone with the details of our life on a regular (i.e. weekly as opposed to bimonthly), as I haven't done since...well...April 7th. Just remember, two months out of an average of an 80 year life span is only 0.21%. I can't promise I'll necessarily update you on all the happenings you've missed the last two months, but I'll try to highlight the highlights, as it were.

1 comment:

Meika said...

Excuses, excuses, excuses. Let's get to the highlights already! Wasn't there something going on with a table and chairs...?? :) Glad to hear you're still kicking, though. :)