Gujo-Hachiman 2
Here I am enjoying the spring water. It was some very good tasting water. As far as water has taste anyway...The Hachiman castle overlooking the town. It was raining heavily off and on the whole time we were in Gujo-Hachiman, which we rather enjoyed, since it was actually somewhat cool instead of stifling hot (we also had umbrellas).
A statue of a boy and girl doing the traditional Obon dance. If you get a chance, ask Mike to do his interpretation of the Obon dance. He's been told it's "Ch-ch-ch-choto chigaimus!" I may have misspelled that.
Note the gutter with flowing water. Evidentally these gutters were put all through the town after a large fire in the 1600's or so. Many houses still had a red "fire bucket" hanging outside their house in case of emergency. It was pretty interesting, though I imagine people who live there have to go to the bathroom a lot.
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