Picking up Mark
Mark was planning on taking the train into Ann Arbor last night at 6:30ish. Sam & I were going to meet my Mom & Dad at the station and then go out to eat in Ann Arbor before they went back to Bay City.
It didn't quite work out like that though...
Mark waiting a loooong time for his bus to take him to the train station in Chicago, and even though he left early, with the late and slow bus he missed his train. According to Mom:
Anyway, Mark changed his ticket to come into Flint at 9:22 pm. We decided to meet in Flint and we'd just snack to tide ourselves over and then eat a late dinner. So we all arrived at the Flint station 9:10ish, and waited, and waited, and waited for his train to come in. The train finally did arrive at 10:40 or so. You wonder why people are wary about public transportation...

Mark & Dad at Bennigan's

A bearded Mark in his trademark pose...
Wowsers, look at the facial hair, Mark! I like it!!! Mike just shaved all his off this weekend. :(
Public transportation... here's an area where Japan excels and where I think I'm going to have a difficult time adjusting when we get home. Taking the train just feels good, knowing you're doing something right for the environment... and driving is such a hassle! It's almost unheard of for a train to be late here, and if it is, you usually know that something really went wrong. Sometimes that goes too far (train wreck this summer from trying to make up time), but I have to wonder why Japanese trains seem to be the only ones in the world that can run on time. It just doesn't seem like rocket science...
I hope that my wedding pictures turn out better than that one... thanks, honey!
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