Time for the reading update!!
This one is a little overdue...I had been reading Blue Like Jazz by Donald Miller for quite awhile. With the wedding planning and the school year happening concurrently, I didn't get too much time to read.
This book is a series of separate but connected reflective essays on Faith & Christianity. I haven't been a big of a reader of "Christian" books, but I loved this one. He gives emphatic, caring, loving, and socially & environmentally just depictions of what it is to be a Christian. This book offers a view of Christianity that I had known I believed in, yet hadn't fleshed out my thoughts on deeply. It reflects a Christianity largly unseen- perhaps largly unpracticed- by the general population. It has great characters (Tony the Beat Poet, Andrew the Protester, Mark the Cussing Pastor) and a flowing style of writing that kept me interested (something many "mainstream" Christian books haven't done). It's a book that made me want to go out and be a better person.
My advice: Read it! If you want to borrow it, I'll let you once Sam's done with it. But I'll want it back so I can read it again.